The Trippy ME party pills are instable of providing you with a mind-expanding experience with new insights. The party pills are mainly powerful due to the ingredient Hawaiian Baby Woodrose (seeds). These consciousness-enhancing seeds contain LSA. LSA is a potent naturally occurring psychedelic very similar to LSD. This chemical compound is a natural tryptamine that has been praised for its visual and hallucinatory effects. Combined with other herbs makes these party pills exhibit psychedelic effects. No intense hallucinations like LSD but rather subtle light visuals with eyes closed and with eyes open, objects may start to undulate a bit visually.


Caffeine (25 mg)
Hawaiian Baby Woodrose
Citrus Aurantium
Calcium stearate


Trippy Me at the right dose can act as mildly hallucinogenic, euphoric, relaxing and mind-altering.


Take up to 2 capsules 30 to 45 minutes before desired effect with plenty of water or fruit juice.

Storage advice

Store this product in a cool and dark place such as a kitchen cabinet and out of the reach of children.


Trippy Me Partypills 4 x capsule (2 grams)


Trippy Me Partypills can be dangerous to health when combined with certain medications, alcohol or with MAO inhibitors. Are you taking any medications? If so, always consult your doctor first and read your medication’s package insert to avoid health risks. Also, do not use Trippy Me party pills if you are pregnant or breastfeeding.
