
With the Lion’s Mane Liquid Culture Sprayer, you can easily and quickly cultivate Lion’s Mane at home. They already contain ready mycelium, which ensures smoother and more stable growth than with spore solutions. After inoculating the chosen medium, you can expect mushrooms within six weeks. The contents of syringe are for colonising substrates only and not for direct consumption. Lion’s Mane is a unique mushroom with long, hanging protrusions resembling the mane of a lion. Instead of a typical mushroom cap, it has these root-like threads. This mushroom is found in the forests of Europe and Asia and has long been popular in both cooking and traditional East Asian medicine.


These items are further packed in a zip-lock bag to further protect against contamination.

  • 1x 20 ml liquid culture in a syringe
  • 1x alcohol swab
  • 1x sterile needle


  • Add 1-2ml per 1L jar of sterilised grain.
  • Shake the liquid culture well before use; the Lion’s Mane mycelium may clump.
  • Be patient after inoculation. Lion’s Mane mycelium has slow and sometimes irregular growth. It may appear as if no growth is taking place, but the process has probably already started.

After use

  • Store it again in the fridge.
  • Thoroughly dry the needle a new alcohol wipe before replacing the protective cap to prevent rust.
  • Optional: use a lighter to heat the needle and evaporate any remaining water. Then let it cool before replacing the cap.
  • Put the liquid culture in a ziplock bag for extra protection and place it back in the fridge.

These instructions will ensure that the liquid culture remains effective and usable for as long as possible.

What substrate do we grow on?

Large-scale cultivation of Lion’s Mane requires a specific bulk substrate. You can use various hardwoods for this, such as poplar, oak, alder, maple, birch, ash, beech, and elm, mixed with bran.

Growth conditions

  • Phase 1: Mycelial growth
  • Temperature: 21 – 27°C
  • Humidity: 90 – 100%
  • Duration: 10 – 14 days
  • Light: n/a

Phase 2: Primordia formation/fertilisation

  • Temperature: 10 – 15.6°C
  • Humidity: 95 – 100%
  • Duration: 3 – 5 days
  • Light: 500 – 1,000 lux

Phase 3: Fruit formation and harvesting

  • Temperature: 18 – 24°C
  • Humidity: (85) 90 – 95%
  • Duration: 4 – 5 days
  • Light: 500 – 1,000 lux
  • Crop cycle: 2 crops, 14 days apart

Storage advice

  • Use the liquid culture within 2 months.
  • Store it in the refrigerator or another cool, dark location.
  • Avoid exposure to UV light.