Jalisco Truffles
Looking for a visually powerful truffle capable of transforming you into an Aztec warrior? Then you’ve come to the right place with the Jalisco truffle. The Jalisco psilocybin truffle is native to Mesoamerica. Mesoamerica gave birth to many Native American cultures such as the Aztecs and the Mayans. This Jalisco truffle has Indian roots and grows in the mycelium of the mushroom species Psilocybe cubensis. Psilocybe mushrooms were mostly used by these civilizations for their medicinal effects, spiritual self-development and to get in touch with the divine(Gods). These truffles are very visual, and at the right dose, even hallucination is possible. The Jalisco Truffles are magical psilocybin truffles that should be taken into consideration because of their strength. We recommend if you have not used magic truffles or magic mushrooms before to start with a lighter truffle species such as the Tampanensis.
Strength psilocybe Jalisco Truffles
The Jalisco is a strong truffle with vivid visual effects. This magic truffle will show strong visual effects at the right dose. The Jalisco Truffles are Psilocybe Cubensis and contain more psilocybin than many other truffles we offer on our website.
Psilocybin Jalisco Truffles effect
As mentioned, a strong magic truffle that provides visual effects. Somewhat lower in energy and visual effects alternate with hallucinations. It is more than just a change in your environment. You will lose anxiety and feel that it is okay to be yourself. All those trapped emotions can be released releasing a kind of relaxation. This is also the reason you get such an incredibly euphoric feeling in many cases. It’s like having no fear of anything anymore, just like an Aztec warrior!
Where do the magical effects of the Jalisco truffle come from?
Magic truffles are so called because they contain psychoactive substances. In this case, the active ingredient Psilocybe Jalisco. In the body, this substance is converted into psilocin, which causes you to hallucinate. The amount of psilocybin determines how strong the magic truffles are and how much of it you need to experience a visual trip, for example. The psilocin is very similar in chemical compounds to that of serotonin and therefore has an effect on serotonin metabolism in the brain. This creates the familiar hallucinogenic trip. This, then, is exactly what these magic truffles are good at.
Divide the Jalisco Truffles into multiple doses
Is this your first time using psilocybin truffles? Then it is wise to start with a test dose of 2.5 grams. Since the effect of eating magic truffles can be different every time, we recommend that you always work with a division of portions. The psilocybe Jalisco truffles you eat, on an empty stomach, raw from the package, it is important that you chew very well and long. At least that is the intention. You can wash away the bitter taste with a glass of water. After about 45 minutes, you will find that you start to notice the first effects. Start with half a serving to experience how strong the psychoactive substances come to you. Is it not so bad? Then, after 45 minutes, eat the remaining half. You can also make tea from psilocybe Truffles. Cut the truffles into pieces and soak/drain them in 70 C° water for 10 to 15 min. Note: Water above 70 degrees Celsius is fatal to psilocybin and its effects.
Dosage of the Jalisco truffles
The Jalisco truffles are vacuum-packed with a weight of 25 grams.
- Mild trip: 5 to 9 grams of magic truffles
- Strong trip: 10 to 15 grams of magic truffles
- Extreme trip (for the experts): 15 to 25 grams
A good setting is essential for a mind blowing truffle experience
It is very important to prepare yourself well when you plan to trip. Whether you are tripping on magic mushrooms or magic truffles, preparation is the key to success. Make sure you have everything on hand that is needed. After all, when you’re tripping you don’t want to have to go looking for that one thing. After all, you’re going to have a very hard time finding those. By the way, the importance of a trip seater is great we also heartily recommend. This person is present at the trip but does not use any psychedelics himself. This way he can help you and your friends during the trip. For example, to go find that one thing anyway. Finally, we would like to point you to a trip stopper. This can help tone down a trip that appears to be too strong. Especially now, the trip seater is important. He can help you make the decision to use this and get the stuff for you.
Storing psilocybin Jalisco Truffles
If you don’t want to eat the truffles right away you can store them. Do you keep the JaliscoTruffles cool and dry? Then you can often keep them for at least another month. The ideal temperature is between 3 and 5 degrees celcius. Be sure to check the expiration date listed on the package to see how long they will keep.
Buy Pislocybin Jalisco Truffles
You can buy the Jalisco psilocybin truffles in our online smartshop. In this completely safe environment, you can order the magic truffles at your leisure. We will then make sure they are delivered to you quickly and well-packaged. Then you can start enjoying your purchased Jalisco truffles.
Product warning
- Do not use Mushroom truffles if you are in a bad mood, depressed, psychotic or otherwise mentally biased. Magic truffles are not suitable for minors or pregnant women, nor is it wise to drive or operate heavy machinery while under the influence of psilocybin.
- Mushroom truffles should never be used in combination with alcohol or other drugs (prescribed or illegal). Start with a small dose and make sure you are comfortable with your company and surroundings.
- All of our Magic Mushroom Truffles are freshly packaged. You should keep them in the refrigerator. Unopened, you can store them in the refrigerator for about 2 months. Once opened, however, truffles can only be stored for a few days.