
Psilocybe Pajaritos Truffles

The psilocybe Pajaritos is a happy truffle that lives up to its name. Pajaritios in Spanish means Birds. These happy Pajaritos truffles will put you into an ecstasy of total euphoria, so to speak. A wave of joy with a small dose of creativity make you whistle the most beautiful symphonies just like a little bird. This is a great social truffle for beginners due to its subtle warm euphoric and philosophical effects. Don’t expect intense visuals or hallucinations with these psilocybe truffles. Do you hesitate to use magic truffles because you are afraid they are too intense? Then these cheerful Pajaritos truffles are right for you.

The effect of Psilocybe Pajaritos truffles

This truffle will give you a trip with a smile. Other insights on life and philosophy will be subjects of the trip. The problem-solving mind goes to work and questions you normally don’t have answers to are answered. Mind expansion and creativity create the most beautiful ideas while one experiences a sense of invincibility. The Pajaritos is a happy truffle that can provide you with a laugh-kick at any time.

Intensity of the Psilocybe Pajaritos truffles?

The effects of Pajaritos truffles can be described as light. As a result, these magic truffles are ideal for a first introduction to magic truffles.

What makes Psilocybe Pajaritos truffles magical?

Pajaritos truffles contain psychoactive substances. This is allowing you to get deeper into your thoughts and that the world as you see it changes. The psychoactive substances found in Pajaritos truffles are psilocin and psilocybin.

How do you use Pajaritos truffles?

Magic truffles you eat or drink. You can incorporate this into a tea or dish, for example. However, most people choose to simply eat the Pajaritos truffles as they are. It does not have the best taste but it is doable. In any case, make sure you chew the magic truffles well and for a long time so that you get the psychoactive substances properly. Magic truffles work best on an empty stomach.

We recommend taking Pajaritos truffles in multiple doses. That way you have some control over the effect of the psychoactive substances you ingest. Therefore, choose to consume half the packet first. If all goes well, you will notice the first effects after 45 minutes. Then you can decide whether to opt for the other half of the magic truffles. In addition, we recommend always having a trip stopper in the house when using magic truffles. Useful for keeping more control over the effect of the magic truffles.

Dosage of Pajaritos truffles

Pajaritos truffles are vacuum-packed with a weight of 15 grams.

  • Light trip: 5 grams of magic truffles
  • Mild trip: 10 grams of magic truffles
  • Mild/strong trip: 15 grams of magic truffles

How do Pajaritos truffles work?

Pajaritos truffles contain the active psychoactive compound psilocybin and psilocin. These substances cause hallucinations, visual effects and visions you get after eating magic truffles. As people increasingly see benefit in the power of the psychoactive compounds psilocybin and psilocin, magic truffles are becoming increasingly popular. Even in Silicon Valley and among Nobel laureates, these psychoactive substances are becoming increasingly popular.

How long does a trip with Pajaritos truffles last?

The duration of the trip on Pajaritos truffles is between 4 and 6 hours. You will notice the first effects about 45 minutes after taking the truffles. You will go on a trip of self-discovery that changes your outlook on life.

Storing Psilocybe Pajaritos truffles for extended periods of time

Magic truffles can be stored for longer periods of time under the right conditions. You store truffles dry and cool at a temperature of 2 to 4 degrees celcius. How long you can store Pajaritos truffles can be found on the packaging. In fact, it has an expiration date on it.

Buy Psilcybin Pajaritos truffles on the internet

In our online smartshop, you can easily buy Pajaritos truffles. These magic truffles are delivered to your home quickly and discreetly. Thus, you can soon enjoy the magical powers of Pajaritos truffles.

Product warning

  • Do not use Mushroom truffles if you are in a bad mood, depressed, psychotic or otherwise mentally biased. Magic truffles are not suitable for minors or pregnant women, nor is it wise to drive or operate heavy machinery while under the influence of psilocybin.
  • Mushroom truffles should never be used in combination with alcohol or other drugs (prescribed or illegal). Start with a small dose and make sure you are comfortable with your company and surroundings.
  • All of our Magic Mushroom Truffles are freshly packaged. You should keep them in the refrigerator. Unopened, you can store them in the refrigerator for about 2 months. Once opened, however, truffles can only be stored for a few days.