
Catmint, better known as catnip, gets its name from the stimulating and aphrodisiac effects it has on cats. In humans, however, this herb has a different effect. Catmint is known for its slightly psychedelic effects and offers a relaxing and euphoric experience. Many users compare the feeling they get from a cup of Catmint tea to that of a cannabis high. Catmint originated in South and Central Asia. During and around the Middle Ages, this herb was called “Catnip” and was widely used as a spice in cooking or as an herbal medicine. The most active component of catnip is nepetalactone, a compound also found in Valerian. Catnip, or Catmint, is non-toxic and can also be safely combined with herbs such as Damiana, Valerian and Galangal.


Wild Catmint (Nepeta cataria).


At low doses, catmint acts as a sedative, relaxing (marijuana-like high) and at high doses, this herb can be hypnotic or a mild hallucinogen.


Boil one liter of water and add 25 grams of Catmint herb. Allow the herb to boil for a few minutes. Then turn off the heat and let the Catmint steep for another 15 min. Strain the tea and add some honey for flavor.

Storage advice

Store this product in a cool and dark place such as a kitchen cabinet and out of the reach of children.


Catmint 50 grams Indian Elements.


Catmint can be dangerous to health when combined with certain medications, alcohol or with MAOIs. Are you taking any medications? If so, always consult your doctor first and read your medication’s package insert to avoid health risks. Also, do not use Catmint if you are pregnant or breastfeeding.
