San Pedro Cutting Peruvianus (25 – 35 cm)
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The use of the hallucinogenic San Pedro cactus (Trichocereus Peruvianus) goes back many years. For more than 3,000 years, it has been an unbroken tradition in Peru. The earliest depiction of the cactus is an engraving of the mythological San Pedro. It belongs to the Chavín culture (c. 1420-380 B.C.). The Magic San Pedro Cactus (Trichocereus Peruvianus) is known for its psychoactive properties. The active psychedelic substance in the San Pedro cactus is Mescaline (3,4,5-trimethoxyphenethylamine), and is a psychedelic alkaloid. Sometimes the San Pedro Cactus is used in combination with other psychoactive plants, such as coca, tobacco, Brugmansia and Anadenanthera. Monks from the pre-Inca culture used this Peruvian cactus to brew a mixture called “cimora,” “achuma” or “huachuma.” This brew was used around 900 BC to 200 BC for medicinal purposes and ritual ceremonies.
The effects of the Mescaline San Pedro Trichocereus Peruvianus
The effects of this San Pedro are incredibly strong. For this reason, the Trichocereus Peruvianus is definitely not suitable as a social party drug. The effects are simply too intense. With the use of this magical cactus, it is possible to transform spiritually. Users report that the ego plays an important role during your trip on Mescaline. San Pedro is known for holding up a mirror of your ego. If you have self-knowledge then you will recognize this image and then the trip will go differently than if totally unaware of who you are. The latter might well kick the perception of your contemporary life totally upside down.
The following effects will reveal themselves while using San Pedro:
- Change of perception, perception of the world changed during a ritual.
- Sight much more colorful and intense.
- Objects are contoured, distorted or emit light.
- Change of time and space, space adapts to the trip (one time it seems bigger the other time it seems smaller).
- Time seems to stand still during a trip.
- Increase in sensory perceptions (synesthesias), music is seen, a picture comes to life and some objects feel different.
- Prone to changing moods.
- Gain insights into your own life or increase in life wisdom.
- Undergoing a magical or religious experience.
- Deep-seated underlying problems can manifest and be addressed with the use of San Pedro Mescaline through one’s own insights gained during the trip.
- San Pedro will enrich your mental and spiritual thinking with wisdom.
Mescaline San Pedro Trichocereus Peruvianus is not a recreational drug
You don’t take the San Pedro cactus for fun. No, this is a very powerful spiritual Entheogen. The San Pedro will use all its powers such as intense hallucinations and visions to help you see who you are and what you are up against. Most hallucinations or visions contain meanings that have to do with you. Heavily charged emotions will show up. Being unable to run away from your feelings is the order of the day here. Cleansing of the soul, cleaning and removing negative charges carried throughout a lifetime. Therefore, we always recommend taking San Pedro only when an attendant is present.
What makes the San Pedro Trichocereus Peruvianus Psychedelic?
Mescaline is a psychedelic alkaloid found in nature. Mescaline alkaloid closely resembles the body’s neurotransmitter epinephrine (adrenaline). Because of this similarity, the psychedelic chemical compound of the substance Mescaline can bind to the serotonin and dopamine receptors in the brain. This binding process causes the psychedelic and hallucinogenic effects. Besides Mescaline, there are many other substances in the San Pedro cactus that play a somewhat smaller but certainly active role after ingestion.
How do you prepare the Mescaline San Pedro Trichocereus Peruvianus cactus for consumption?
Of course, you cannot consume the cactus directly upon arrival. The San Pedro will have to be processed first. San Pedro can also be processed into powder by first drying it. You could consume the powder right away although it will cause stomach cramps. To avoid this, it is wise to make a drink from the San Pedro.
Follow the steps below:
- Work hygienically and put on gloves.
- Remove the thorns.
- Make a full-length cut from top to bottom between the ribs.
- Pull the translucent peel from top to bottom away from the green tissue and, if necessary, grate the entrained greens from the peel pulled off.
- Now the San Pedro Cactus is bare and ready to cut into slices about 1 cm thick.
- Put the 1 cm thick San Pedro pieces in an oven at 50 °C until they are cork dry to the touch there can of course also be chosen to let the San Pedro disks dry in the sun.
- Grind the dried discs into a fine powder (The San pedro can also be consumed now but will often cause stomach cramps this way).
- Put the San Pedro powder in one pan with water and let it boil for several hours. Boiling dissolves the active ingredients in the cooking water.
- After this, pour the water into another larger pan (pan 2).
- A mush remains in pan 1. Fill pan 1 with water again.
- Repeat steps 8, 9, and 10, a total of 4 or 5 times.
- Test the mash in pan 1 if it still tastes bitter you can repeat the process of point 8 and 9 again until all the bitter taste is gone from the Mescaline mash pan 1.
- Then boil the contents of pan 2 so that about 1 liter of water remains.
- Strain contents of pan 2 before drinking.
VERY IMPORTANT: Use a fine strainer when pouring off the contents of pan 2 before consuming you don’t want to drink a stray thorn after all.
Dosages Mescaline San Pedro Trichocereus Peruvianus cactus
A piece of cactus 25 to 30 cm long and with a diameter of 5-8 cm roughly corresponds to an average dose. If you weigh rather than measure the cactus: 100 g of fresh San Pedro cactus contains about 120 mg of mescaline. This means you need 170-420 grams of cactus for a dose of 200-500 mg of mescaline.
- 150 – 300 mg light to medium trip
- 300 – 400 mg strong trip, +/- 6 to 12 hours
- 450 – 500 mg extreme trip, +/- 12 hours
- 500 – 600 mg of ego dissolving, trip +/- 24 hours
Warning when using Mescaline San Pedro
Substance Mescaline found in the cactus can be dangerous to health when combined with certain medications, alcohol or with MAOIs. Are you taking any medications? If so, always consult your doctor first and read your medication’s package insert to avoid health risks. Also, do not use San Pedro if you have mental problems, are pregnant or breastfeeding. Handle this unique cactus responsibly and therefore do not participate in traffic when using it.