
Rapé (Yopo) has been used traditionally for thousands of years in the Amazon by indigenous tribes in shamanic rituals. This snuff is blown into the user’s nostrils using a Pipe (Tepi). In fact, the Tepi pipe is the pipe used during these official ceremonies so that the shaman can easily blow the Rapé into the nostrils. A Kuripe is the same as a Tepi pipe only it is suitable for self-administration of Rapé. This is not very easy but with some practice it is certainly possible. This Kuripe is made of Bamboo. This is not very easy but with some practice it is certainly possible.


  • Knead the Rapé snuff into a pea-sized ball.
  • Place the pea on the nose end of the Kuripe and your mouth on the mouthpiece.
  • Lean your head forward and blow the Rapé into one nostril.
  • Then repeat these steps and blow the Rapé into the other nostril.
  • Rapé can cause unpleasant physical reactions such as lots of snot in the nasal cavities and vomiting these unpleasant reactions are essential for cleansing the body and mind.


Kuripe Bamboo.
