
Cambodian Mushroom Grow Kit

Cubensis Cambodian magic mushrooms are high in visuals and give a wonderful philosophical trip. These Cambodian mushrooms are well suited for somewhat more experienced users who have already tripped several times with magic mushrooms. Buy the Cambodian mushroom grow kit online now and enjoy a fine trip on this Cambodian magic mushroom.

Cambodian Mushroom Grow Kit for novice psychonauts

Cambodian mushrooms are ideally suited for a second or third trip on magic mushrooms. These magic mushroom are moderately strong and yet this mushroom introduces you to the magical world of tripping in a subtle way. This is why we definitely recommend Cambodian magic mushrooms for the more experienced psychonauts. In addition, these Cambodian mushrooms are also very easy to grow. Little can actually go wrong and thus perfect for a first experience for growing mushrooms.

Effects Cambodian magic mushrooms

Cambodian magic mushrooms produce an effect and trip that fits the needs of an average user of magic mushrooms. You will notice the power of tripping on magic mushrooms. The Cambodian mushroom is ideal as a stepping stone if you’ve been introduced to the world of entheogens before. The Cambodian mushrooms gives nice visual effects. Colors you take in differently, sounds that sound in a different way and often you have a different outlook on life during your trip. This may include, for example, coming to the conclusion that a human being is just a collection of memories. You can expect the following effects on a Cambodian magic mushroom trip:

  • Colors experienced differently
  • Sounds and voices coming in differently
  • Losing the sense of time for a short time
  • Difficulty pronouncing sentences and words correctly
  • Sometimes not realizing that you are standing, sitting or lying at that moment
  • Experiencing a new outlook on life

Cambodian magic mushrooms are mostly medium strength, yet we advise you to prepare well before embarking on a trip. More on this later. Magic mushrooms always give a different perspective on life, which can sometimes feel very intense.

Dosage of Cambodian mushrooms

The amount of magic mushrooms you take depends on the kind of trip you are looking for. In addition, your body weight, experience with magic mushrooms and how much you have eaten also play a role.

  • Microdosing: 0.2 grams of dried mushrooms | 2 grams of fresh mushroomsMild trip: 1 gram of dried mushrooms | 9 grams of fresh mushrooms
  • Normal trip: 2 grams of dried magic mushrooms | 21 grams of fresh magic mushroomsIntense trip: 3.5 grams of dried magic mushrooms | 35 grams of fresh magic mushrooms

If you weigh a bit heavier then you may prefer to take a bit more magic mushrooms than the above example. Either way, one person is not the other. So feel for yourself what is the best amount for you through experience. You can eat the magic mushrooms or take them as a magic mushroom tea. Then be sure to add the mushrooms to the hot water only when it is no longer boiling. Boiling water can affect psychoactive substances. Once the mushrooms have sat in the hot water for 20 minutes you can drink the tea.

Preparing for a Cambodian magic mushroom trip

Tripping is best done in a safe, familiar and pleasant environment. It is important that you are relaxed and can let things go well during your trip. This only works when you are at ease and feel safe enough to give yourself over to the trip. To accomplish this, you need the following:

Choose friends to trip with who you fully trust. So these are friends who will try to help you if needed. Often enough, these have their hands full with their own trip, although with Cambodian magic mushrooms this is not so bad. Therefore, it is wise to always have a sober friend present in the room. So this one did not drink or use magic mushrooms. He can help you realize that the magic mushroom trip will stop again in a few hours. Sometimes that’s hard to realize during the trip.

In addition, we strongly recommend that you have a trip stopper in your home. You don’t always have to use these but having them in the house alone makes you feel relaxed. You know that when the trip gets a little too exciting you can take the sharp edges off by using the trip stopper. In order not to forget this, it is good to inform the tripsitter of this.

Contents of your Cambodian Growkit

When you buy your Cambodian Growkit, it will be delivered quickly to your home. Next, you can start growing mushrooms. In your Cambodian Growkit you will find the following materials:

  • Psilocybe Cambodiescens 1200
  • Growkit
  • Growing Instructions

The harvest of your Cambodian mushroom grow kit

After growing your Cambodian mushrooms professionally, it’s time to harvest them. But how many mushrooms do you actually get from a mushroom grow kit? The mushroom grow kit is available in two sizes, 1200 cc

  • 1200 cc Cambodian mushroom grow kit yields 400 grams of mushrooms

However, this does not mean this is all. You can use a mushroom grow kit multiple times. Thus, you can grow these numbers of mushrooms several times. Often this succeeds about 4 times. So you can make multiple philosophical or spiritual flights. That’s why they call a harvest from a mushroom grow kit a flight or flush. How many flushes you get from the mushroom grow kit depends entirely on the care you put into growing the mushrooms. The more carefully you handle this, the more mushrooms you can grow.

Cambodian mushrooms very pleasant to grow. In fact, they are one of the easiest magic mushrooms to grow. Highly recommended for beginning growers. Cubensis Cambodian mushrooms produce large flushes, or harvests. Very pleasant, of course, but they do grow a little slower than other magic mushrooms. The hats of magic mushrooms are cone-shaped, reminiscent of the Asian hats people wear.

Storing your Cambodian mushroom grow kit

Since this is a fresh product, we advise you to set up your mushroom grow kit immediately. This way you can get the best results and ensure a nice mushroom harvest. By the way, most mushroom grow kits can be stored in the refrigerator for about 3 to 6 months before you start growing. For this, check the expiration date on the package.

Origin of Cambodian mushrooms

The first discovery of Cambodian magic mushrooms was made in Southeast Asia. John Allen discovered them near the Angkor Watt temple. This happened during one of his trips to Cambodia. It was used in Cambodia during spiritual ceremonies and rituals.

