
Colombian Mushroom Grow Kit

Buy your Colombian mushroom grow kit online now. Colombian mushrooms are very popular because you can grow them easily, they give a large yield and provide a strong, intense trip. These magical mushrooms are also known as Columbians.

Columbian Mushrooms are a perfect stepping stone to more intense Mushroom trips

When you start with magic mushrooms you choose Mexican mushrooms, for example. If you are very experienced then you might choose the Ecuadorian mushrooms. But which mushrooms do you take if you find the Mexican too light and the Ecuadorian too intense? Then choose Colombian mushrooms.

Growing Colombian Mushrooms

Order the Colombian mushroom all-in-one grow kit to grow your own Colombian mushrooms. Growing Colombian magic mushrooms is quite easy with this grow kit. Although Colombian mushrooms are easy to grow, they are not the fastest growers. Fortunately, Colombian magic mushrooms do give very large flushes.

Contents of your Colombian Growkit

Buy the Colombian grow kit now easily online. We’ll get it delivered to your home quickly. Upon receipt, you can begin growing mushrooms. In your Colombian Growkit you will find the following materials:

  • Psilocybe colombiescens 1200
  • Growkit
  • Grow bag
  • Growing Instructions

Harvesting the mushrooms from your Colombian Mushroom Grow Kit

After growing your Colombian mushrooms, it’s time to harvest the magic mushrooms. But how many grams of mushrooms do you actually get from a mushroom grow kit? The Colombian mushroom grow kit is available in three sizes, 1200 cc

  • 250 cc Colombian mushroom grow kit yields 100 grams of mushrooms
  • 1200 cc Colombian mushroom grow kit yields 400 grams of mushrooms
  • 2100 cc Colombian mushroom grow kit yields 1 kilogram of mushrooms

However, a mushroom grow kit will get you more mushrooms than this. In fact, you can use a mushroom grow kit multiple times. Often this succeeds about 4 times. Thus, you can make multiple spiritual flights. This is why they also call a harvest from a mushroom grow kit a flight or a flush.How many flushes you get from the mushroom grow kit depends entirely on the care you put into growing the mushrooms. The more carefully you handle this, the more mushrooms you can grow.

Colombian magic mushrooms, also known as Psilocybe Cubensis Colombiescens and grow incredibly fast. Sometimes you can see the first mushrooms emerge within a week. They are also very easy to grow. Little can actually go wrong with these Columbians. You get all the materials included and once you have it set up it’s a breeze to grow them. The harvest of Colombian mushrooms is very large. And that, of course, is very nice when you grow these magic mushrooms yourself with the grow kit.

Storing your Colombian Mushroom Grow Kit

Since this is a fresh product, we advise you to set up your mushroom grow kit immediately. This way you can get the best results and ensure a nice mushroom harvest. By the way, most mushroom grow kits can be stored in the refrigerator for about 3 to 6 months before you start growing. For this, check the expiration date on the package.

Effects Colombian Mushrooms

Colombian magic mushrooms are known for giving wonderful spiritual trips. They are ideal for developing yourself further and growing as a human being. Because they have less visual hallucinatory effects, they are ideal for exploring yourself and expanding your mind.The psilocybe cubensis colombian, or also called the psilocybe colombiescens, is not only spiritually strong but also social. It is one of the social magic mushrooms that provides plenty of conversation. Philosophizing is incredibly common with this beautiful mushroom.They are strong, but still pleasant to take when you are not very experienced. In fact, there is rarely if ever any mention of a bad trip or anxiety during the trip.

Dosage of Colombian Mushrooms

The amount of magic mushrooms you take depends on the kind of trip you are looking for. In addition, your body weight, experience with magic mushrooms and how much you have eaten also play a role.

  • Microdosing: 0.2 grams of dried mushrooms | 2 grams of fresh mushrooms
  • Mild trip: 1 gram dried mushrooms | 9 grams fresh mushrooms
  • Normal trip: 2 grams of dried mushrooms | 21 grams of fresh mushrooms
  • Intense trip: 3.5 grams of dried mushrooms | 35 grams of fresh mushrooms

If you weigh a bit heavier then you may prefer to take a bit more magic mushrooms than the above example. Either way, one person is not the other. You can eat the Colombian mushrooms or take them as mushroom tea. Then be sure to add the mushrooms to the hot water only when it is no longer boiling. Boiling water can affect psychoactive substances. Once the mushrooms have sat in the hot water for 20 minutes you can drink the tea.

Preparing for a Colombian Mushroom trip

Tripping is best done in a safe, familiar and pleasant environment. It is important that you are relaxed and can let things go well during your trip. This only works when you feel comfortable and safe enough to give yourself over to the trip.To do this, take care of a few things.Choose friends to trip with who you trust completely. So these are friends who will try to help you if needed. Often enough, these have their hands full on their own trip. Therefore, it is wise to always have a sober friend present in the room.

So this one did not drink or use magic mushrooms. He can help you realize that the magic mushroom trip will stop again in a few hours. Sometimes that’s hard to realize during the trip. In addition, we strongly recommend that you have a trip stopper in your home. You don’t always have to use these but having them in the house alone makes you feel relaxed. You know that when the trip gets a little too exciting you can take the sharp edges off by using the trip stopper. In order not to forget this, it is good to inform the tripsitter of this.

Buy your Colombian Mushroom Grow Kit online

Looking for a potent mushroom that will expand your mind? Go for personal growth with the Columbian mushroom. And you’re lucky because they grow fast, very fast. Order your Colombian magic mushrooms today and you can soon enjoy your Colombian magic mushroom trip.
