
Thai Mushroom Grow Kit

For anyone who has ever been to Thailand, especially Bangkok, then you know it is a magical country. Thai magic mushrooms are just as magical. With the Thai mushroom grow kit, you can bring the magical Thai atmosphere of full moon parties into your own home. This mushroom is great for attending parties and festivals. In fact, it makes you very social, cheerful and energetic in a relaxed way.

Thai mushroom growing ideal for beginners

Growing Thai mushrooms is very easy, especially with the all-one-in grow kit. Therefore, they are very suitable for novice mushroom lovers. The Thai mushroom is also a mild mushroom. It gives a similar trip to Mexican shrooms. Both are great for a first or second introduction to the world of magic mushrooms.

Growing magic mushrooms with the Thai mushroom grow kit

With the all-in-one grow kit, you can grow Thai mushrooms in no time. All you need is water. Plain, water from the tap and therefore possible for everyone. Order the Thai mushroom grow kit online now and add water to the grow kit upon receipt. You won’t have to wait long before you can enjoy the magical trip that Thai magic mushrooms give.

Contents of your Thai grow kit

Buy the Thai grow kit now easily in our online smartshop. After your order, you will receive it discreetly delivered to your home within a few days. In the package you will find:

  • Psilocybe Cubensis Thai 1200
  • Nursery
  • Grow bag
  • Growing Instructions

Harvesting the mushrooms from your Thai mushroom grow kit

After growing your Thai mushrooms, it’s time to harvest the magic mushrooms. But how many grams of mushrooms do you actually get from a mushroom grow kit?

  • 1200 cc Thai mushroom grow kit yields 400 grams of fresh mushrooms

However, these numbers apply to only one flush. However, from this Thai mushroom grow kit, you can get up to 4 flushes before it really runs out. For example, with the 2100 cc Thai mushroom grow kit, you get not 1 kilo of fresh mushrooms but 4 kilos of fresh Thai mushrooms. How many flushes you get from the mushroom grow kit depends entirely on the care you put into growing the mushrooms. The more carefully you handle this, the more mushrooms you can grow.Growing Thai magic mushrooms, also known as the Koh Samui mushroom, is hearty fun. In fact, everyone should give it a try.

Origin of Thai mushrooms

The name of these magic mushrooms reflects where this mushroom was first discovered. This, of course, was in Thailand. The nickname Koh Samui probably sounds familiar to some Thailand visitors. Koh Samui, in fact, is a well-known island belonging to Thailand. The Thai mushroom was discovered on Koh Samui in 1991 by enthomycologist John Allen.Should you have visited Thailand you may be familiar with the happy milkshakes they sell there.

These milkshakes become magical because the Thai mushroom is incorporated into them. These happy milkshakes, of course, are widely consumed during the full moon parties that take place on the island of Koh Phagnan Thailand. Thai magic mushrooms are also often mixed with fruit smoothies giving them a hallucinogenic and psychedelic effect.Thai people also often call Thai magic mushrooms “cloud mushrooms.

How do you store a Thai mushroom grow kit?

Since this is a fresh product, we advise you to set up your mushroom grow kit immediately. This way you can get the best results and ensure a nice mushroom harvest. By the way, most mushroom grow kits can be stored in the refrigerator for about 3 to 6 months before you start growing. For this, check the expiration date on the package.

What are the effects of Thai magic mushrooms?

The mushroom best to take when attending a festival? That’s the Thai mushroom. This magical mushroom from Thailand gives you an energy boost, but also makes you happy, relaxed and very sociable. You are just very relaxed and nice and social after taking the Thai magic mushroom. Everything you need for a good party.A trip on Thai magic mushrooms can last about 5 hours.

These magical mushrooms not only give you energy and a happy feeling but they also make you see patterns and colors in a different way. Walls will fascinate you by the patterns they show. Distortions also occur frequently when you touch objects, for example, or footprints that you seem to perceive when walking down the street. In short, your senses are highly honed. This applies not only to the things you can see, but also smell, taste and hear can come in completely differently. More intense, deeper, as if perceiving the world for the first time.

Dosage of Thai mushrooms

The amount of magic mushrooms you take depends on the kind of trip you are looking for. In addition, your body weight, experience with magic mushrooms and how much you have eaten also play a role.

  • Microdosing: 0.2 grams of dried mushrooms | 2 grams of fresh mushrooms
  • Mild trip: 1 gram dried mushrooms | 9 grams fresh mushrooms
  • Normal trip: 2 grams of dried mushrooms | 21 grams of fresh mushrooms
  • Intense trip: 3.5 grams of dried mushrooms | 35 grams of fresh mushrooms

If you weigh a bit heavier then you may prefer to take a bit more magic mushrooms than the above example. Either way, one person is not the other. You can eat the Thai mushrooms or make mushroom tea from them. Or like the Thais make happy milkshakes out of it or a nice smoothie with Thai mushrooms. It’s just what you are comfortable with. If necessary, eat the Thai mushrooms on a specula cookie. If you want to make mushroom tea from it make sure you add the mushrooms to the hot water only when it is no longer boiling. Boiling water can affect psychoactive substances. Once the mushrooms have sat in the hot water for 20 minutes you can drink the tea.

Preparing for a Thai magic mushroom trip

Tripping is best done in a safe environment where you feel comfortable and familiar. This ensures that you can get the most out of your magic mushroom trip and will experience as little adverse effects of a trip as possible. This is because it is important during a trip that you are relaxed and able to let go of things properly when experiencing a spiritual trip. This only works when you feel comfortable and safe enough to give yourself over to the trip. You can increase this safe feeling by preparing a few things.Trip not alone. Do this with at least one friend. More than one is allowed, of course. The important thing is that these are good friends of yours whom you trust completely.

So these friends will also help you if needed during the magic mushroom trip. In addition, we always recommend having a sober friend present in the room. So this one did not drink or use magic mushrooms. He can help you during your trip if needed. Sometimes guidance is all you need. In fact, the sense of space and time frequently disappears during a trip. You can’t then imagine the trip ever ending. This is where your sober friend, the trip sitter, can help you.Also, always make sure to have a trip stopper in the house. This can take the sharp edges off your mushroom trip when your trip is more intense than you like.

Buy your Thai mushroom grow kit online

Ready for your first paddotrip? Then order your Thai mushroom grow kit online now. We’ll make sure you get them quickly. So you can enjoy your first mushroom trip after a quick grow time. Success guaranteed.
