
The“Liquid Herbal Trip shooter” is described as an extract of Kratom (Mitragyna Speciosa) and is presented as a natural version of LSD, but milder. The effects of this liquid herbal extract are somewhat compared to those of LSD, albeit without the hallucinogenic effects. The product does claim to match other effects of LSD, such as relaxation. The described duration of effects is about 4 hours, depending on the dosage.


Mitragyna Speciosa Extract.


The effects of the Royal Herbal Trip are stimulating or calming. If you take a low dose (half a bottle), then the former is the case. With a high dose, you experience an incredibly relaxing trip. Stimulating, relaxing, aphrodisiac, euphoric or the feeling similar to that of opium or cocaine.


Shake well before use. This Herbal liquid can be consumed immediately. Take half bottle first to test yourself what this extract does to you. To wash away the taste, you can drink a glass of water with it.

Storage advice

Store this product in a cool and dark place such as a kitchen cabinet and out of the reach of children.


Royal Herbal Trip Extract 15ml McSmart.


Royal Herbal Trip can be dangerous to health when combined with certain medications, alcohol or with MAOIs. Are you taking any medications? If so, always consult your doctor first and read your medication’s package insert to avoid health risks. Also, do not use Royal Herbal Trip if you are pregnant or nursing.
